Thursday, November 10, 2005

This is taken in my host family's house in Italy. If you've heard me talk about my trip you've probably heard this story. Here's the gist of it... I was worried that I was going to have a hard time talking to my host family because I didn't speak Italian. But then, the subject of family came up and I showed them a picture of my family. My host mom asked if she could keep it. She wanted to post my picture on her cork board so that she could be praying for my family. She also asked me if I would pray for her brother and sister to believe and follow Jesus. How awesome is that. We don't speak the same language but we pray to the same God! I litteraly have people praying for me and my family all over the world; from Asia to Europe, from the North and South East to the Midwest. I feel blessed!!! It is awesome to be a part of God's family!!!

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